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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


3月前半の課題添削 (3/15までにご応募ください)


"Paint a picture with words"

あなたが覚えている中で、印象に残っている風景、または建物について、できるだけ読み手にシーンが伝わるように記述してください。有名な建造物や観光スポットでも、また個人的な思い出のあるものでもかまいません。"Paint a picture with words"を目標に、活き活きと伝える表現を工夫してみてください。見た目だけではなく、"smell", "touch", "taste"など織り交ぜてもかまいません。


The House I Grew Up In

Even after all these years, I still have a very vivid memory of the house I grew up in. It was built in the 1970s and was located on a corner lot in a very quiet neighborhood. The exterior was half black and stucco and half white aluminum siding. On the side of the house was a big patio surrounded on threes sides by a meter high hedge. The front of the house had two big living room windows separated by a stone fireplace right in the middle. There was a flowerbed below each window; one had a red rosebush and some tiger lilies, and the other had this big bush that bloomed gigantic white flowers in the summer. The backyard of the house was fenced in with white slats. There were a couple of popular trees and a big blue pine that was a good 5 meters high. I haven't seen the house for at least 20 years, and no doubt it has changed a lot. I'm not sure I want to see it again because I'd rather hang on to the memory in my head.
