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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)


7月前半の課題添削 (7/15までにご応募ください)


人間は通常2つのタイプに分けられます。a social butterfly は、社交家の意味で、外出したり、人に会ったり、
新しいグループに入って新しいことをはじめることが好きな人を指します。 一方 a homebody は家で何かを
あなたは、a social butterfly, a homebody のどちらのタイプですか? なぜそうなのか、例を挙げてエッセイ


Home Sweet Home

I have to say that I am definitely a homebody. Although I don't mind going out from time to time,
I would much rather stay at home and do my own thing. I think that a part of the reason is I am
rather shy. I don't feel very comfortable at parties, and I have trouble meeting new people. I am
also a bit of an introvert. I spend a lot of time inside my head, which doesn't make me very good
company. Prefer small intimate gatherings over parties. A perfect evening for me would be a small,
intimate dinner party with a few very close friends. Even my hobbies aren't particularly social.
I like listening to music, watching movies, and messing about on my computer, all very ‘solo’
activities. To be totally honest, I don't mind going out to a party now and then. That being said,
given the option, I would stay home nine times out of ten.